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Dr. Ali Amiri aligning a patien'ts spine in the coquitlam chiropractic clinic.

5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor After A Car Accident

Thu Feb 20 2020

A common automobile injury is being rear-ended from behind. You’re stopped at the light. And you see the car bearing down behind you in the rear view mirror. There’s little you can do. Simply brace yourself for the sound of crushing steel and broken glass.

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A girl jogging at sunset.

A Chiropractors Key to Health

Fri Nov 02 2018

Visiting the doctor when you are feeling fantastic is a new concept. Aren’t you supposed to go when you are only sick? However, a growing range of individuals who want to function at 100% are visiting their local chiropractor for a regular spinal adjustment, and not only when they are experiencing back pain.”

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Nervous System

All about the Nervous System!

Thu Nov 22 2018

Chiropractic care is targeted to help the nervous system in our body. Our nervous system is composed of 2 very important parts: the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system.

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Orthotic shoe and pyramic of weights

Are Orthotics Right For You?

Thu Aug 29 2019

We are on our feet all day walking back and forth from bed, to work, to the car and getting groceries. Making sure that your feet are happy is more important then you may know!

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Closeup of a back pocket wallet.

Are you stressed out by debt?

Wed Mar 13 2019

Credit card corporations and retail stores are making it easier and easier than ever to retain credit. They have no problem agreeing to generous credit limits as well. They are anxious to exploit your want for immediate indulgence. However all this “kindness” from the credit companies comes with a price. You can almost always count on very high interest rates and minimum payments that hardly place a dent within the debt you owe.

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Holding an ice-cream cone at the beach.

Can we burn calories in an easier way?

Wed Feb 20 2019

You may know that proper weight management cannot be accomplished entirely by food alone. In fact, you probably know some people that lead a sedentary lifestyle, who never work out, and yet seem to be able to maintain an ideal weight. How are they doing it?

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Patient with acute lower back pain.

Chiropractor Explains Spinal Stenosis

Wed Feb 06 2019

Everyone gets headaches, right? After all, most of us are taught that they are normal, right? Some of us get dull headaches, some throbbing. One headache may be on one side, while others may make us sensitive to light, and sounds.

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A hand displaying a smart phone.

Chiropractor Explains the Health Benefits of a Digital Detox

Wed Oct 17 2018

Living in a world very afloat in technology can sometimes make life much easier, however it may also be enslaving and destructive to health and relationships. Whether or not we have a tendency to spend hours texting, gaming, or surfing the web, this tech time can start to become extremely addictive.

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A messeuse adjusting and massaging patient's head.

Chiropractor Goes Over Common Problems That Can Affect Healing

Thu Nov 29 2018

Most of our patients start care because they have back pain, neck pain, or some other type of health issue that is impeding their everyday life. Understandably, they want it resolved as soon as possible.

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3 3D ghost characters making scary faces.

Chiropractor Hosts Halloween Candy Buy Back!

Wed Oct 23 2019

Anxiety is an every day issue that many people face. Whether it is work related, trauma related or relationship related, everyone will probably experience it at some point in their lifetime.

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3 3D ghost characters making scary faces.

Chiropractor Hosts Halloween Candy Buy Back!

Fri Oct 19 2018

After a night filled with ghosts, goblins, assorted superheroes and other costumed kids, your child likely has a sea of candy for you to sift through. While an occasional treat or two is okay, we discourage eating too many sweets as sugar is detrimental to one’s health. In particular, sugar can suppress the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fend off sickness.

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A stiped cat stertching and yawning.

5 Best Chiropractor Recommended Stretching Rules

Fri Aug 03 2018

Have you ever wondered how you can possibly work stretching into your day?

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A fox sleeping on a tree trunk.

Chiropractor Recommends 3 Ways to get Sleep

Mon Sep 17 2018

You’ve darkened your room. It’s silent. You’ve set the temperature to be a perfect sixty eight degrees. You haven’t eaten, or exercised before bedtime. You get chiropractic treatment frequently to calm down spine. You’ve turned off your technology to avoid the blue light. It’s time to doze off.

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Dog standing by a shovel and a pile of snow.

Chiropractors Tips to Shoveling Snow

Tue Jan 14 2020

can’t count how many times I have shoveled snow only to wake up the next day with lower back pain. What I have learned over the years is that it is more of a workout then I ever anticipate in the beginning.

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Woman sleeping on a white bed.

Dr. Ali's Recommended Pillow!

Thu Aug 01 2019

Sleeping. It’s all something we have to do, and some more then others. However, getting a good night sleep for yourself and your spine is sometimes tricky.

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Woman stretching on a yoga mat.

Dr. Alis Top 3 Exercises for your Spine

Fri Jun 28 2019

Maintaining good spinal health is detrimental. It is the highway that is holding all your nerves. If we get a misalignment in our spine, it can cause a multitude of issues.

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Dr. Ali Amiri aligning a patien'ts spine in the coquitlam chiropractic clinic.

Holiday Hours 2019

Thu Dec 12 2019

Can you believe it is that time of year already!? Christmas is approaching and we just wanted to update you with our holiday hours.

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ANXIETY spelled on tiles for spelling games.

How A Chiropractor Can Help With Anxiety

Mon Dec 02 2019

Anxiety is an every day issue that many people face. Whether it is work related, trauma related or relationship related, everyone will probably experience it at some point in their lifetime.

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A chiropractor feeling the bones on a patient's back.

How a Chiropractor Can Help With Screening Your Children for Scoliosis

Tue Oct 02 2018

Scoliosis is an uncommon sideways curve in the spine that, if not caught at an early age, can deteriorate with age, cause significant back pain, and can then cause arthritis in the spine. We wish your youngsters to grow healthy and active, and that is why it’s vital to understand the signs of spinal curvature and check your children around age eight.

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A cartoon character with a showel expericening a slipped disk.

How a Chiropractor Can Help With Your 'Slipped Disc'

Wed Mar 06 2019

The intervertebral disc is a specific type of cartilage found in between each of the twenty four bones in all of our spines. Bands of fibrous tissue surrounds the spines jelly-like center. The disc creates space between each vertebrae so pairs of nerve roots will exit the spinal cord from in between each spinal bone.

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A girl jogging at sunset.

How a Chiropractor Can Help You Maintain Your Health

Wed Feb 13 2019

Our health, and the decisions that we make regarding it, are among the foremost personal of choices.

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A peron making a heart shape with her hands on her flower covered stomach.

How a Chiropractor Can Help Your 'Second Brain'

Tue Jan 15 2019

A headache here, back pain there. or even something more serious, like migraines or full spine pain.

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Hands covering face and head of a patient with headache pain.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Your Headaches

Tue Jan 29 2019

Everyone gets headaches, right? After all, most of us are taught that they are normal, right? Some of us get dull headaches, some throbbing. One headache may be on one side, while others may make us sensitive to light, and sounds.

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Stressed person trapped behind a window of words.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Your Stress Pt 2

Sun Mar 24 2019

Medical thinking usually considers big events in our life the stressful ones, such as sudden loss of a job, a breakup of a marriage, or the death of a loved one. While, yes, those are stressful events, there are daily events that can have long term effects on us as well.

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STRESS and RELAX street signs.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Your Stress

Sun Mar 17 2019

We all have experienced stress at one point in our lives. Stress can be from your job, family, or finances. It is okay to undergo stress, but we need to learn how to carry it better. The cost of hidden stress has more effects on our body then what we may think.

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Dr. Ali Amiri aligning a patien'ts spine in the coquitlam chiropractic clinic.

How Chiropractic Care Helped With My Scoliosis

Wed May 01 2019

I have been working in a chiropractic office going on 4 years now. However, just like all of our patients, I started out as a patient of chiropractic before beginning my career here.

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Person holding a spine illustration.

Let a Chiropractor Explain What Your Pain is Trying to Tell You

Wed Jan 23 2019

A headache here, back pain there. or even something more serious, like migraines or full spine pain.

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Spine X-Ray

Let a Chiropractor Tell You All About the Cervical Spine

Fri Oct 26 2018

The upper 7 vertebrae in our spine is known as the cervical spine. Seemingly important, it is definitely one of the most under appreciated yet, most vital parts of our entire body. Our cervical spine contains 37 separate joints that grant our neck and head to move above our torso.

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Dr. Ali Amiri aligning a patien'ts spine in the coquitlam chiropractic clinic.

Medical Treatment Versus Chiropractic Care

Tue Apr 14 2020

Chiropractic is different. Always has been. Chiropractors and medical practitioners share a few things in common. Both receive many years of education and training. Both have practices. And both care deeply about their patients. But that's pretty much where the similarity ends. Medicine and chiropractic have different operating philosophies. They have different ways of assessing

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Dr. Ali Amiri aligning a patien'ts spine in the coquitlam chiropractic clinic.

Meditation with Dr. Ali

Wed Jan 29 2020

Dr. Ali started a meditation class last week, and our first day was amazing! You could feel the energy in the room!

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A girl holding her head.

Poor Posture? Poor Mood? Let a Chiropractor help

Wed Sep 05 2018

As many of us are finding ourselves sitting behind a desk all day at work or standing on our feet for hours on hours while not taking a break, taking note on our posture is more necessary than ever.

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Exposed tree roots covered with moss.

Root Bound Trees

Thu May 30 2019

Maintaining good spinal health is detrimental. It is the highway that is holding all your nerves. If we get a misalignment in our spine, it can cause a multitude of issues.

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Inside of an airplane

Tips For Surviving A Long Flight

Thu Aug 08 2019

One of the things my husband and I love to do is travel! However, the act of flying is definitely not our favourite. Long flights can be hard for your body, so here are some of the tips that we like to use to survive those ling flights!

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A small kid meditating with closed eyes.

Using A Yoga Wheel To Help With Mid Back Pain

Thu Aug 15 2019

We are on our feet all day walking back and forth from bed, to work, to the car and getting groceries. Making sure that your feet are happy is more important then you may know!

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Closeup of a damaged car front body.

What Can Happen When You Get Whiplash

Wed Jan 09 2019

When people hear the word, “whiplash,” the general public instantly imagines a motor vehicle accident, usually a rear end accident. However, unfortunately, there are many other ways that a whiplash injury can occur.

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A person with sunglasses experiencing neck pain.

What is Bringing on Your Back Pain?

Thu Nov 15 2018

Many people with abrupt, intense back pain assume, “But why? I didn’t even do anything!”

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Chiro toys with a candle in the background.

What Makes Chiropractic Stand Out?

Thu Dec 06 2018

By now you may recognize that chiropractic treatment is definitely different from medical treatment. This distinction goes further beyond coming in for reoccurring visits.

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Doctor examining patient's spine xray.

Why do Spinal Problems Often Return Even After Seeing a Chiropractor?

Thu Dec 13 2018

Chiropractic skeptics usually dismiss the concept of periodic chiropractic checkups or maintenance chiropractic adjustments once their symptoms subside with the classic, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” line.

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Silhouette of a person golfing at sunset.

Why Golfers Love Chiropractors!

Thu Feb 28 2019

For many, a calming game of golf is the best way to spend a weekend with some of your good friends. But unfortunately, the next day, some feel back pain in their lower back. Is it golf itself that is producing the lower back pain?

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A student sitting on a couch while working on his laptop.

Why Your Chiropractor Will Tell You to Sit Up Straight

Wed Oct 10 2018

Remember when your parents would say things like, “Eat all of your vegetables.” And, “Look each way before you cross the road.” Let’s not forget their classic, “Sit up straight!” A large amount of people nowadays add inactive jobs that need them to take a seat for much of the workday. However, whether or not sitting at a desk, a sporting event, or in front of a TV, sensible posture is imperative to your spine alignment and health. And poor postural habits are a number one contributor to back pain.

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Dr. Ali Amiri aligning a patien'ts spine in the coquitlam chiropractic clinic.

Your First Visit to a Chiropractor

Wed Feb 26 2020

In some ways, your first visit will be similar to seeing a medical practitioner. And in other ways it will be quite different. And while every chiropractor has a slightly different first-visit procedure, here's what you can generally expect. A Warm Welcome Chiropractors practice in medical centers, freestanding clinics, converted home offices and even hospitals

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Years experience

Patients served

Treatments delivered

Where we are
located :

Coquitlam Family Chiropractic

Address: 210 - 2885 Barnet Hwy,
Coquitlam, BC V3B 1C1, Canada

Clinic Hours


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4:00 - 7:00 PM


9:00 - 11:00 AM

4:00 - 7:00 PM


9:00 - 11:00 AM

4:00 - 7:00 PM


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4:00 - 7:00 PM

Phone: (604) 941-0003



210 - 2885 Barnet Hwy,
Coquitlam, BC V3B 1C1, Canada

© 2024 Coquitlam Family Chiropractic All Right Reserved